Entrepreneur and investor David S. Kidder is CEO of consulting firm Bionic, and author of New to Big: How Companies Can Create Like Entrepreneurs, Invest Like VCs, and Install a Permanent Operating System for Growth. He specializes in unlocking new business growth using the mindsets and methodologies of venture capital.

Prior to the pandemic, Kidder spoke with us about developing a growth mindset in large organizations – both in regard to operating organizations and discovering new possibilities. Of the interior life of a leader, he said, “As founders, we have to allow the learning to happen, so our biases don’t control what’s possible.”

We need to be fast at unlearning things and un-believing things – mostly at the things we’re very good at, Kidder explained in this five-minute video. Outside forces require leaders to question the things they take for granted – because those things may no longer be true.

Those guidelines have increased resonance today, so we went back to Kidder to learn how leaders can respond by leading with empathy. “In this case, whoever cares the most wins,” he said. For business leaders, Kidder said, it’s essential to bring your humanity and vulnerability to the decisions you make.

Watch our second conversation with Kidder below to learn more.